Saturday, May 12, 2007

On the Road to One World Order

hoping to share information/facts to share with what has been related to the serf/plebes/drones of our world. to rise up for all in the world realizing not to give into the 8% elitist against the 80% set on controlling our and our children's will.

To keep us out of the line of opportunity by sending our jobs without replacing them over seas. to set the price of college so high most will never see the insides of one.

To start a struggle which our children or their children will hopefully win back the freedom we once almost had.

Not to allow ourselves to be polarized by government using shock and awe against us as we stand together unafraid no matter what they send down upon us through the sky.

To reveal the many secrets which they will use to instill fear for control over us all.

I have seen and taken picture of one of the many tactics which they will use. We must remember there are humans in what they will use against us. Those humans will be tricked into thinking they are in the loop of the elitist. But they too can and will be replace.
This object flying over head was inspired by what many think is no true back in the 60's. yes as a general suggest a prototype be made. The man who first made the prototype was named John Frost and can be found on the history channel files. A video of him hydro turfing with this "vehicle" can be seen as I have seen for myself in researching. Mr. Frost felt he needed only to tweak this project to complete. The government claimed they were scrapping the project and let him go. I clearly see they did not. For we have always lied in the name of the government's betterment. We foolishly think we the people are the government. We will soon find out the truth.
I first learned of what many would say is crazy when explaining the symbols on our money the Oligarch's along with the agenda "one world order." You bet is sure is crazy this i agreed. Being a single parent one would be smart not to speak of this outside one's home.
My children have been taken by this government for monies which they use to enlarge the power of the government while instilling fear and pain.
I have the pain, I fear no one anymore knowing they have done all they can do to my children, for now. They will try to write my history without facts of any guilt of any crime or illness, other than the sm. cell lung cancer caused by benzene, radon, arsenic and diesel fuel. Which your children's sch. buses still use with the full knowledge of the harm they cause.
To be ill is what again gives the medical system which is owned by the government due to subsidies in all agencies another venue to gain from.
No money to be made in health. So they use products with the full knowledge of how it will make you become a Ginny pig by medical system. Their cronies which make the products get rich.
We get dead, again more monies to be made.
They have become the creators. And now they decide to do a little population culling. What a wonderful world it would be if only the weak indigent and just in general lacking would just go away.