Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fritz Springmeier Speaking On The Reptilians

Obama Depopulation Policy Exposed! Red Alert!!!!!!

Footage of Australia s own FEMA Camps in Operation

Flying over FEMA site

360 billion for FEMA camps over next two years Bill for ammunition to be ENCODED at state levels

jesus and holly mary are insulted and humiliated in israel

Obama Military Youth Corp in Full Gear!!! Wake up America!!!

scary, very creepy, and the most disturbing video clips I've ever seen on the internet!

Doctor says FLU VACCINE will cause 60,000 deaths in France alone ( SEE INFO BOX )

U.N. plans to vaccinate 20m African children in one month

Chicago is falling

Mass vaccinations in Norway nov2009 - H1N1 possibly containing deadly H5N1 strain

The Freedom Tower and the Octagonal Stargate

WW 3 Secret NWO Illuminati

Michael Savage March 4, 2009 New World Order Agenda Exposed Listen Carefully

Our Children Deceived.

End Of The World

Antichrist Illuminati Obama New World Order Agenda 2012 Exposed


cartoon predicts the future 50years ago

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

RAND-linked Think Tank Scholar On Public vs. Private Discussion of Afghanistan Occupation


institutes and foundations tax exempt owned by our owners the elie class who bought up our resources and headed off our youngest and brightest through their universities and institutes.

this power system has moved further away from the betterment of man kind to throwing bits of old technology to razzel/dazzle the ppl. while yet stealing more of our rights and land which will not be of access to us fodder as rothschild moved to privatize the roadways.. is this why there are major roads being paved and made wider?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Purple Heart's Final Beat - A Soldier Suicide Story

tag and bag us all one by one, one way or another.
all complacent to this due to the ones still here have not been here long enough to know better and are getting gov. relief which is working to the gov.'s benifit.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Project Camelot Interviews George Green - Part 2 of 2

Project Camelot Interviews George Green - Part 1 of 2

Project Camelot Interviews George Green - Part 1 of 2

Project Camelot interviews John Lear

more about the treaty made with our gov. and the aliens in return for knowledge our children.
too much?

Bill Hamilton interviews Dan Burisch, 2002

hey wake up dummies they want our children. yup just like hanzel and grettle. and the song oh mac donald "a quake quake here quake quake there.
called stolen knowlege.

Friday, August 14, 2009

US to split into 6 pieces in 2010

just an insider to the long ago plan in the making and final stage.

TSS-1R "Tether Incident" - Shake-Reduction stabilization w/ UFO flightpath tracking (Long version)

while ppl. starve around the world others have it all through gov. agencies and foundations. the ppl. pay while others play, go fugure.

A danish scientist Niels Harrit, on nano-thermite in the WTC dust ( english subtitles )

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Attention All Youtube Viewers : US Victims Of BioWarfare

Avian Flu, Population Control, H5N1, Biological Warfare Pt.3

alan watt on agenda 21

Part 9/9 - Larry Teeter talks about the CIA and RFK

Part 1/9 - Larry Teeter talks about the CIA and RFK

John Pilger "The Invisible Government" Part 4/4 Fixed!

John Pilger "The Invisible Government" Part 1/4

Operation Teapot - Part 2/3

Operation Teapot - Part 1/3

US Military Human Testing, Part 2

care about the children? think not!

Welcome to the Jungle: US Military Psychological Operations

Army Tested Biological Weapons On U.S. Citizens part 1 of 2

Genetic Engineering and the Secret Changes in Your Food

Aspartame and What it does to your children and you!!!

Aspartame and What it does to your children and you!!!

Fluoride, Aspartame and Agenda 21 *see description*

Agent Orange. American Chemical and Biological Warfare

When the Revolution Begins, Socialism Ends


i love dr. shirley, she is saying what i have tried to say since going down the rabbit hole following the monies.

Lloyd Doggett's meeting on Obamacare in south Austin, TX, 1 Aug 2009

Google and Blogger Shut Down Sibel Edmonds’ Blog

Google and Blogger Shut Down Sibel Edmonds’ Blog

Shared via AddThis

Saturday, July 18, 2009

New World Order Being Taught In Schools!

Theories And Bizarre Events On 9/11



High Tech Space Weapons in Use - Bob Fitrakis

War from Space

Royal Rife Lab Film

Royal Rife Pt.13

killing while putting the masses in further debt is their business. our children are in grave danger of the corporations who have taken over our land and all the resources including our children rendering us w/out a future.
this is outside the family court system or any system commonly known or taught in our gov. controlled sch.'s through fed. funding which we the people are too stupid and weak to stand up to these tyrants. god help the children as for the most part their parents wont.

Royal Rife Pt.8

stolen knowledge out of greed and genocide around the world by the same group of ppl. who have controlled our thinking. your either w/them or your not.

Royal Rife Pt.1

cancer on cape cod, ma. making a killing.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The life and death of Mairéad Farrell (5/6)

bad enough the queen has the irish living in fear everyday to top it off they send in the hitmen to blot them out as england shall write the history of the world.