Paganism has never left as it hijacked christian religion.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
The Heinous Nazi Ideology and the Hypothesis of Evolution
Bias discrimination exist today practiced by this administration that wants to rid the world of 5.5 trilion by population culling. Kill the little more than apes and indigent.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Holocaust - Shoah 2
This time the only one who could stop this as the whole world is in on taking out 5.5 billion humans in GOD!
IBM and the Holocaust
Tell me this country did not employ the uses of the third reich. Our generals and heads of state have now gone power crazed with this knowledge bent on using it on the world.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Alex Jones: Military Commissions Act Does Affect US Citizens
Military act 61666 will strip you of your citizenship if you do not comply with the demands of the new world order.
Noam Chomsky: From Bolivia to Baghdad - (4/4)
We are no longer able to bully countries for loans given. They have cut their ties to us leaving us desperate enough to sell our own people out.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Friday, June 22, 2007
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Lucfier 2000 5/6
I have seen and taken a picture of what this government plans to use to awe us into submission.
First time the Zapruder film was shown to the public.
A couple of hero's back then. Are we not being mind controled?
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
The list of powerful members involved in the same private activities is dangerous.
Sex Slavery in the White House? Call-In Show (6-14-06) pt 2
We are the masters of control have been since the cold war. We have used this with lSD on viet nam soldger who lost 4 yrs. of his life he cant remember.
Dick Cheney Smirking During State of the Union Address
Notice how they both have smirked their way through this whole stripping of the country and it's work force of every thing they worked for inside and out. Creating a broken subservient population.
Webster Tarpley at 9/11 Conf in Arizona 2-24-07 pt 1 of 2
Bush family are the neo con? All propaganda started by elitist to lead us into war. Gaurentees many suicides as said by Brisinski and being fashioned by the Cheney family? I am to blame Iran for terrorist act? How did we get from nukes Iraq to Iran? Maybe it will be Russia yet?
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Central Bank of England
Manipulating and accumulating gold and other forms of money privately owned Central Bank in 1694 set the road of economic slavery to the Bank begfan using tactics used by gold smiths fraudulently to accumulate wealth.
Nation by nation has fallen prey to the central bank of England.
Anderson Cooper 360: pedophilia and child abuse in Cambodia
Soon our children will be indigent brought down by the theift of their parents legacy. Our business men wont have to travel so far much longer.
Monday, June 18, 2007
The Underlying Politics of 9/11 (Part I)
If this does not make sense to you then you might want to check your defense mechanism's. They might be working on over ride.
You might want to use common sense while your able as the chem trails from sky's are loaded with toxins. Besides the courts are no longer based in common sense and might soon be illegal for you to apply.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
America: Destroyed By Design - The Grand Canyon Pt. 2
United Nations signs at the Grand Canyons? hornorary title for money in return? then they the united nations will own parts or all of Grand Canyons?
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Illuminati signs at Starbucks, Nickelodeon
Forcing us to choose sides due to the killing off populations through chemical poisoning while other expoloit this to make money. Propergating through the taking of children underminding their parents while posioning all. Can't see the forest for the tress? soon it will all be clear as the trees will fall.
Chemtrails Around The World
We are at war with our own country leaders by the spraying of chemicals out to lower our resistance then the epidemic of which they choose who gets the vacine. Simple while you sleep.
THE CORPORATION [11/23] Basic Training
AOL bought the rights to song happy birthday have to pay $10,000.00 to hear or sing it.
THE CORPORATION [4/23] Externalities
"External effect" for corporations is to externalize having others pay for their mistakes.
THE CORPORATION [10/23] Boundry Issues
corporations are recognized as a person under the 14 amendment over individual persons. Corporations trump a person on rights to distroy over people trying to save the natural products given up by earth.
THE CORPORATION [9/23] Trading on 9/11
911 made many trillions of dollars. oil cost $13.00 a barrrel shot to $40.00 a barrel. Brokers saw the monies being made and wanted to cause war knowing they too would make money. As when the market manipulated Rodeo Drive had not made such sales since the 1920's, many wall street brokers recieved one million as a tip. As long as their is this large amout of monies to be made there can be no trusting in men.
Dark Ages America - The Final Phase of Empire - 3 of 6
carter had radical ideas for our country, freedom. the elititest sought to have him ridiculed in memmory.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
The Senator Wellstone Assassination
Jack Corban "History of the American Empire" Lets do a little investigating for ourselves.
Anwar Al-Sadat assassination (rare)
You might need to look again as we live in denial of the hidden truth.
John F. Kennedy Assassination
so we just let it keep happening as it had prior to reaching our leader.
Robert F. Kennedy's Statement on Dr. King's Death - Montage
Another freedom fighter killed by our secret rulers of this shadow government.
Robert F Kennedy
again said and did nothing while the CIA started by prescot bush ordered this man killed due to wanting to save this country from the federal reserve owned world banking system. will we let this man die in vane? will you let your children die?
Robert Kennedy Jr.
This video speaks for itself. how do you feel now that you did nothing while Bush and clan pulled the coup while you did/said nothing?