Saturday, August 25, 2007

UFO - Soviet UFO Secrets Revealed

Not many are advanced intellecually to fathem such a thing.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Under Sharia law men have the right to have sex with infants

Planned Parenthood Conceals Statutory Rape, Sex Exploitation

the states are ware of this and promote this as not many charges filed against such perpetraitors who know this and continue. along with the age of consent being lowered from 18 to 16 promotes these federal funded services. the government agencies do the fed. monies abuse with the blessings of the fed/state. due to the skimming done by the federal government af all funding prior to allowcating such funds. to complain is to give rise to more monies to such agencies.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


The Gay Bomb


Worry for this man scooter's family? What about our families?


Photographing 'nowhere people' - 12 Aug 07

Inside Story-Guatemala adoption scandal-13 Aug 07- Part 2

Inside Story-Guatemala adoption scandal-13 Aug 07- Part 1

Final Solution

Stolen Generation

Project for a New American Century (PNAC)

Chris Hedges:

Queer George W. Bush

BBC Radio 4: The Whitehouse Coup (3 of 3)

BBC Radio 4: The Whitehouse Coup (2 of 3)

BBC Radio 4: The Whitehouse Coup (1 of 3)

BBC Radio 4: The Whitehouse Coup (1 of 3)

Bill Clinton on Gov't Wrongdoing in Human Experimentation

Philadelphia Experiment - Al Bielek - Prophecies III

Disturbing facts about the Bush Family

Proof that the past two elections were a fraud MUST SEE!!!

Bill Cooper on 911

William Cooper - Full Speech! - Ufo - Alien - JFK PART 1/10

William Cooper - Full Speech! - Ufo - Alien - JFK PART 2/10

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

William Cooper - Full Speech! - Ufo - Alien - JFK PART 3/10

William Cooper - Full Speech! - Ufo - Alien - JFK PART 4/10

William Cooper - Full Speech! - Ufo - Alien - JFK PART 4/10

William Cooper - Full Speech! - Ufo - Alien - JFK PART 5/10

William Cooper - Full Speech! - Ufo - Alien - JFK PART 6/10

William Cooper - Full Speech! - Ufo - Alien - JFK PART 7/10

William Cooper - Full Speech! - Ufo - Alien - JFK PART 7/10

William Cooper - Full Speech! - Ufo - Alien - JFK PART 8/10

William Cooper - Full Speech! - Ufo - Alien - JFK PART 9/10

William Cooper - Full Speech! - Ufo - Alien - JFK PART 8/10

William Cooper - Full Speech! - Ufo - Alien - JFK PART 10/10

The man that killed 2 alien greys

This man killed 6 mos. after this video made. Killing the truth sayers.

German Concentration Camps

Never say never "again"

FEMA Camp Footage (Concentrations Camps in USA)

The Holocaust

MD-80 true lies - Where are contrails?


New World Order and the Chemtrails Connection

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Area 51 : The Frantic Caller

Top Extra Secret Underground Alien Bases. Part 1

Secret Underground Bases - A.W.A.R.E. Command

Otis air force base on cape cod ma. building a prison, for who?


occult has been in our national capital as the underworld god persephone stands at the top of the washington capital dome.

The U.S. of Bushland: Spies like us.

Probable cause gone.


He make himself one with home security.


Where oh where have all the weapons gone?

Loss millions of dollars and weapons to iraq. While we have our weapons taken from us along with many jobs outsourced without any teason charges.

FEMA Concentration Camp for Families in Taylor,TX [Part 1]

FEMA Concentration Camp for Families in Taylor,TX [Part 3]

FOX Reports From Katrina FEMA Failure Concentration Camp

Bush Hammers Final Nail Into Constitutional Coffin

The Plan to Imprison American Citizens in Concentration Camp

Concentration Camps in United States

9/11 the jews and 911 Part2

9/11 the jews and 911 Part1

9/11: Total Proof That Bombs Were Planted In The Buildings!

9/11 Flight 93 Rare Footage

Dr. Reynolds exposes 9/11 TV fakery on FoxNews

Loose Change Protects the Perps: 911 TV Fakery Censorship

911 TV Fakery

Was 911 a ritual Sacrifice? Part 1/2 *

Soldiers lack necessities, contractors earn huge profits

Devide and conquer who???

Saturday, August 11, 2007

U.F.O.s are they here? Live with Larry King Part 2/5

U.F.O.s are they here? Live with Larry King Part 1/5

I have seen the UFO's myself and many others have also. Much of what we were not able to take in at the time is now being used against us. Good looking out people. Finally I can speak of this and One World Order without people looking at me like I was making this up. If you are then do the homework.

Leo (Lyon) Zagami the 33rd Degree Mason Who Spilt His Guts Pt 1/4

The man Leo should be thanked by all. But you wont. You will be so taken in and in a turmoil chaos is the plan to frighten you into submission. All too much for ya right? Too bad for the children due to your lack of leadership. Would you risk your life for your children? Think not though you imagine you would until you think of the government threatening you not to save your children else you end up in the under ground prisons they are building right now without your knowlege. You are all sad for the children who thought you would protect them with your lives.

Interview with former 33rd Level Mason

Continuation of many groups involved with the taking of this world.
Shame on our presidents who sold us out like Rosevelt and on.

Ex-Illuminati Speaks-Leo Zagami part 5 of 6

This is how it ends?????

Interview with ex-freemason and illuminati:Leo Zagami. Vol1

How many have to confess before you believe?

Martial Law police state

Some real sickness going on with the adults of this world.

The Illuminati

Geo cycle propaganda brought to you by the master of confusion himself..........lucifer!

the CF's Down With the Sickness

War is a sickness between our leaders and the makers of "mass distruction," Halburton/Chaney the Bush family War Lord.
Time for the Americans to do their thing here at home. Corprotations keep waiting for the people to give in to them, STAND!

Phantom Fury

Wish bush and cheney could be there.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Samoan U.S. Citizenship Ceremony El Paso, TX

We are out to kill anyone we can put in uniform knowing this is the last war! We give citizenship away like we did in world war 11

Reichstag 911 Part II preview 3

Monday, August 6, 2007

Great Moments In Presidential Speeches Compilation

Unreal this man is what?

WeAreChange Confronts Rockefeller on New World Order Crimes

Luke is right on it doing his part as a better American than the leaders who made deals behind our backs. This young man puts himself out on the front line.

NWO From The Mouths of The Elite

These are the foot men to the queen who is and has been the foot men to the Oligarch's since the vikings came ashore of England.