Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fritz Springmeier Speaking On The Reptilians

Obama Depopulation Policy Exposed! Red Alert!!!!!!

Footage of Australia s own FEMA Camps in Operation

Flying over FEMA site

360 billion for FEMA camps over next two years Bill for ammunition to be ENCODED at state levels

jesus and holly mary are insulted and humiliated in israel

Obama Military Youth Corp in Full Gear!!! Wake up America!!!

scary, very creepy, and the most disturbing video clips I've ever seen on the internet!

Doctor says FLU VACCINE will cause 60,000 deaths in France alone ( SEE INFO BOX )

U.N. plans to vaccinate 20m African children in one month

Chicago is falling

Mass vaccinations in Norway nov2009 - H1N1 possibly containing deadly H5N1 strain

The Freedom Tower and the Octagonal Stargate

WW 3 Secret NWO Illuminati

Michael Savage March 4, 2009 New World Order Agenda Exposed Listen Carefully

Our Children Deceived.

End Of The World

Antichrist Illuminati Obama New World Order Agenda 2012 Exposed


cartoon predicts the future 50years ago